Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The rest of the world thinks we're friggin' crazy

While the nine kings and queens on the Supreme Court mull over the fate of Obamacare - the rest of the world is looking at us like we're friggin' crazy. As John Hudson over at the Atlantic Wire sums up, "The idea that health care coverage, largely considered a universal right in Europe, could be deemed an affront to liberty is baffling." First - the U.K. - where this is no such thing as judicial review - is weighing in on what's going on over here. The Guardian's Kevin Powell published a column last week saying, "Wasn't the point to make sure the richest and most powerful nation on the planet could protect its own people, as other nations do? If Americans are promised not just liberty but life and happiness, is there not a constitutional right to affordable healthcare?" The German are getting into the game too calling out the United States as crazy. Columnist Sabine Muscat wrote about the absurdity in the Supreme Court health debate in the German Financial Times - asking rhetorically, "If the government could require people to take out health insurance, they could then not be forced to also buy broccoli? The analogy of broccoli has been dragging on through the long debate about the American health care reform."

But putting aside judicial review for a moment and the fate of Obamacare - the big picture here is this...the world thinks we're crazy because...well...WE ARE CRAZY! The United States is SO far out of the mainstream with the rest of the world - and today's Republican Party only wants to take us further in the opposite direction. Think about it for a second...we're the only developed nation in the world that doesn't hold healthcare as a basic human right

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