Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Potter to Michael Moore: sorry for smear campaign

Democracy Now!:

We host a joint interview with Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore and Wendell Potter, who was the head of corporate communications for the health insurance giant CIGNA when Moore’s film, Sicko, was released in 2007. Potter left the company in 2008 and has since become the industry’s most prominent whistleblower. In the interview, Potter apologizes for his role in the industry’s attack on Moore and the film.

Moore accepted his apology, but acknowledged to Potter that, “I think we both know this is much larger then what was done to me or in the movie.” Moore said that the industry was willing to spending hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to “stop a movie” because they were afraid it “could trigger a populist uprising against” against, what he called, a “sick system that will allow companies to profit off of us when we fall ill.”

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