Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Republican Senator: "lived off public tit"

Yesterday morning on C-SPAN, Republican Senator and major league jackass Chuck Grassley finally did something and admitted that not only is the proposed health care reform legislation not tantamount to socialism, but also that he has "lived off the public tit" as an elected official. A viewer who called in pointed out that as elected official, Grassley as an elected politician (and despite being a staunch Republican), has been living off the taxpayer. Grassley admitted this:

For the first 16 years I made $3,000 every other year as a state legislator. Now do you expect me to live on $3,000 every other year? No I was a factory worker for 10years and I was a farmer for that period of time and I farm with my son now. So if you're trying to make a case that I've lived off the public tit all these years, I think you're saying correctly in the years I've been in the Congress but not the years before I came to Congress.

The hypocrisy of Republicans is astounding. They're completely opposed to providing public health insurance to American citizens, but it's okay for them to receive it.

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