Saturday, October 15, 2011

Polls: US likes Occupy Wall Street, not Tea Party

The Examiner:

The Occupy Wall Street movement has exploded all over the country as Americans have gathered together to voice their anger at the top 1% who have continued to rob America. According to new NBC/Wall Street Journal and TIME magazine polls, the Occupy Wall Street movement has become more popular than the destructive Tea Party. The polls show an average support of 46% for the Occupy Wall Street movement, while showing only 27% support for the Tea Party. In addition, only 20% of all Americans oppose the Occupy Wall Street movement at the same time nearly double, at 38%, feel negatively about the Tea Party.

Many have said to be "confused" about the message of the Occupy Wall Street movement, but the message couldn't be more clear. Americans are upset, the wealthy continue to get wealthy while the rest of Americans have to pay the bill. Student loans are high, health care cost have risen and with the tax breaks going to the top 1%, programs that Americans are relying on are on the Republican chopping block. The people protesting around the country just want some accountability and fairness across the board. Americans don't want to punish the wealthy, they just want the wealthy to give back to the society that helped them get to the place they are in. Fairness is the message, if you can't see that, you're not paying attention.

Time magazine poll: only 27% of Americans view the Tea Party favourably, while 53% of Americans view the Wall St. protests favourably.

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